Senior Pastor Ken Todd surrendered to God’s calling on his life while on a mission trip to Canada in the eighth grade. Upon graduating from high school, he attended Northland International University. Since college, he has been used of God as a Youth Pastor, Pastor, Bible Conference Speaker, and Church Planter. His desire in ministry and life is to be a living communicator of the Word of God. His goal in teaching the Bible is to present the Word of God in a clear, practical, and relevant manner.

Assistant Pastor Mike Cosgrove was 33 years old before Jesus Christ turned his life right side up. Since then, his career as a physicist has been paralleled with 40 years teaching Junior Church and Adult Sunday School Classes. Five years of graduate school made him think that he knew bed-rock truth in Physics, but when Jesus took over his life, he was introduced to the source of truth. His desire in his retirement years is to encourage others by teaching the eternal blessings of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.